Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hands Down, The Best Hands On Fun I've Had In Awhile...

Still in Key Largo, we went to John Pennekamp State Park today. It was our second visit this week. We just had to come back one last time before leaving tomorrow morning, and boy am I glad we did. The weather gave a 50% chance of rain. Didn't know it until 5 minutes before rolling Roxy down the highway. Our unpredictable life is rarely more than 50/50 anyhow, so in true randomroadmama style, I declared that we were going for it.

Yeah. I have a tendency not to look at the weather much when all there really is, is sun.
And sun.
And more sun.

I left the snow behind a few weeks ago, so snowstorms and ice are off my radar. There's been only one day of rain since arriving in Florida 3 weeks ago. To prove my point that roadschooling can happen anywhere and be about anything at any given time: my girls and Capt. My Guy swam and made nice with the manatees this afternoon.

Yes ma'am. The real deal. All 8 feet of baby mama and 5 feet of her baybay.

There were several manatees, but this pair put on a show and reveled in the attention. Baby mama foraged to her heart's delight on the sea plants at the bottom while baybay rolled and curled around our feet. Unafraid of the big humans lurking for another touch, baybay amazed us all and left us wanting more.

Avery snorkeling and touching Baybay


Angel touching Baby Mama

Capt. My Guy and Baby Mama

The girls and I hoping for another sneak peek

I am so glad we went for it. And for sure will do it again if given the chance.

John Pennekamp State Park, randomroadmama thanks you.
Can you take a stab at what we're learning more about tomorrow?

PS. It never rained. Not one drop.


  1. We are planning our trip out for an April 20th departure for 4 1/2 months. We don't want to PLAN too much but after seeing this post I must go to Key Largo! (We were planning on hitting Florida but I thought the Clearwater area would be south enough) Manatees are such amazing creatures and having an experience like yours would be a dream fulfilled for me! How truly amazing!

  2. Key Largo is beautiful, especially at this park. You can find manatees most anywhere in south FL, so if you didn't want to drive that far south, you may not have to. It was a great experience, I know my girls will always remember it. Safe travels on your spring adventure! xoxo
