Monday, March 14, 2011

List of Stuff, Part 3...

In an earlier post, I blogged about a sort of bucket list, which had things I'd like to do, or places I'd like to go. It is a combination of a couple lists, some from long ago and some more recent. Some things are already crossed off because I had been able to do them since scribing a portion of the list years ago.

I am slowly, but surely, working on the list.

In no particluar order.

Last month I was able to check off number 34, eat Thai food. Num Thai in Key Largo, FL has some of the best house rice. Evaaaa. Their sushi? Divine. Too bad, I'm not still in Key Largo.


  1. I love this idea of the list! I make lists, too. And more now with this transition into an RV. I have to make lists if I want to see some kind of progress. I read your list from March 2010 and there are several things that you have there, that I would also have on my list.
    Also, I want to talk to you about your daughter's eczema. How is she doing with that? My oldest daughter used to have her body covered with it and now, she only has it on one small section of one of her arms. I helped her with this following a Candida diet. I'll be talking about that on my blog soon. It's a long story.
    Thanks again for stopping by my blog and for sending me such a sweet message.

  2. Mariza,

    You're welcome for the message. I'll email you about Avery soon :)

